S3 Episode 18 Solar Leo and what it means for each Ascendant

How Solar Leo can affect us

I try to write a blog post for each episode of The Vedic Astrology Podcast.  And this episode is part of our series following the Sun through each Rasi.  I thought it might be interesting to show how the content of the Podcast might be used by looking at the recent withdrawal from the U.S. Presidential race by Joe Biden.

The Sun, Venus, and Presidential Decisions

As we step into the Solar month of Leo, significant planetary interactions come into play, particularly for President Joe Biden. The Sun, representing leadership and authority, enters Leo on July 22nd, marking a period where the spotlight falls firmly on leadership qualities. As it does, it will be crossing the Gandanta point between the Water sign of Cancer and the Fire sign on Leo.  In the realm of Vedic Astrology, Leo is the domain ruled by the Sun, enhancing themes of confidence, vitality, leadership, and stability.

This podcast episode explains how Venus, representing advisors and partnerships, will be in Leo alongside the Sun at the start of Solar Leo.  The Sun and Venus are mutual enemies in Vedic Astrology and this means that Venus will be ‘starving’ the Sun by Lajjitaadi Avastha. When Venus starves the Sun it encourages the Sun to sacrifice its auspicious inspiration and compromise for the sake of appearing pleasing to other. Consequently, this period might see President Biden faced with decisions influenced by his advisors' counsel and popularity polls, possibly swaying him towards consensus and compromise, at the expense of bold individual action.

For Joe Biden, being a Sagittarius Ascendant, there are additional layers to consider.  As the Sun is the 9th Lord, it is always asking us to take the most ethical and moral action.  In Joe Biden’s announcement on X his tone what all about the greater good and what is best for the country.

Mars Transit into Gemini

Another thing to consider is that Mars, the 5th and 12th lord for Sagittarius Ascendants, also changes sign right before the beginning of Solar Leo.  Having come from its conjunction with Uranus last week, perhaps it ‘bulldozed’ it’s way into the sign where Joe Biden’s Ascendant lord is currently placed in the sky.  The 5th lord is associated with our legacy and the 12th lord is connect to the things we let go of and release.  It seems Mars might have been an important part of the timing of this decision and announcement too.

In a podcast episode it is impossible to speak to how a month of transits will apply to an individual person.  But I hope this exploration of Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the Presidential race give you some inspiration of how to take the information in the podcast and apply it to your own life! 

Overview of the content of “Solar Leo 2024 and what it means for each Ascendant”

Planetary Movements

The episode begins with a detailed description of the transits occurring during Solar Leo.  Such as the Full Moon in Cancer and Capricorn, the Sun’s conjunction with Venus, Mercury's transit from Leo to Virgo and back, and the New Moon in Leo. The specific dates of these transits are covered, offering listeners a roadmap for what’s happening in the sky.

Qualities of Leo

The podcast highlights the inherent qualities of Leo during the Solar month. Leo’s fixed nature provides stability and confidence, supported by the Sun’s strong placement. The Sun in Leo embodies leadership, protection, and a sense of consistency, much like the steady rise of the Sun each day.

Things to look out for with each Ascendant

The podcast offers insights into how Solar Leo impacts each ascendant, providing tailored suggestions of how to reconnect with the cycles of the Sun and of the Zodiac signs.

Challenges of the Venus-Sun Conjunction

As mentioned earlier, the interplay between Venus and the Sun is particularly highlighted for the first half of the Leo transit. The mutual influences here can induce a tug-of-war between the drive to inspire and lead versus the desire to be appealing and palatable.

I hope this episode inspires you to reconnect with your Solar energy by following the transit of the Sun through Leo this July-August 2024!

Solar Leo 2024 and what it means for each Ascendant

[00:00:00] Fiona Marques: Hello everyone, welcome back to the Vedic Astrology Podcast. My name is Fiona Marques. We have been exploring, understanding the Rasis by following the Sun on its journey through each of the Rasis this year. And right now we have the Sun entering into the sign of Leo.

So it's a great chance for us to understand a little about what the field of Leo is all about.

[00:00:29] Planetary Movements during Solar Leo

[00:00:29] Fiona Marques: So let's begin by just bringing into our awareness what's actually going to be happening during this Solar month of Leo. We have right now, as I'm recording, the Full Moon is taking place just at the very ends of Cancer and Capricorn.

And the Moon in that Full Moon position is also really close to Pluto, which is right at the end of Capricorn, beginning of Aquarius. So that's how we start this Solar month of Leo is actually just by referring to the Full Moon, the day before.

But on the 22nd of July, the Sun is entering into tropical Leo. And on the 25th of July, Mercury is going to move out of Leo and into Virgo. And right as it does that is right around the time that the Moon will just be passing over Neptune up there in Pisces. And then on the 4th of August, we have a New Moon in Leo at around 12 degrees. And the day after, Venus is going to move into Virgo on the 5th of August, and that's also the Moon will be travelling out of Leo at that time too.

On the 8th of August, Mercury and Venus are going to be conjunct at the beginning of Virgo, around 4 degrees. And then, We have Mars and Jupiter also going to be conjunct on the 14th of August. That's in Gemini, around 17 degrees. And the day after that, on the 15th of August, Mercury moves back into Leo. So it's retrograded its way, having arrived in Virgo, by the 15th of August, it's transferring back into Leo.

And that means that as on the 19th of August, as the Sun is getting ready to leave Leo, it will be conjunct with Mercury at 27 degrees. And there will also be a Full Moon on that day in Aquarius at 27 degrees as well. And then on the 22nd of August, the Sun is going to move into Virgo and end our exploration of Solar Leo.

And right as the Sun moves into Virgo, leaves Leo, the Moon is going to be on that day, moving through, through Pisces and going over Saturn, Neptune, and even in Rahu and Aries. There will be the Sun and the Moon both experiencing things at the very end of this Solar Leo month.

[00:03:07] Qualities of Leo

[00:03:07] Fiona Marques: Now, as we always do, let's see if we can find what confluence or what connections are there between the Sun and Leo. And we have done this for every month that we've looked at. So we began with Solar Pisces and all the way through. We're always asking ourselves, "What does the field have in common with the planet that's transiting?"

And in this case, obviously the matchup is quite high because it is the Sun that rules the sign of Leo. So it's a very natural placement for the Sun to be in Leo. In fact, during the whole transit, the Sun will either be in its Moolatrikona position or it will be in Own Home position. So we can see that there's going to be a high level of match.

And one of the ways that we can think about that is at the element level. So the Fire element, the Sun is a Fire element planet and Leo is also associated with the Fire element. As well as that, they both share the masculinity, the gender of masculinity. Meaning that there is perhaps that external focus, wanting to interact, wanting to take action. And as it's the Sun, we can think about that as perhaps around leading. Leading from the front. And they also share the same Guna, both sharing the Sattva Guna.

I think one of the ways that helps me understand Leo and this Solar month of Leo is the modality of the Fixed sign of Leo. So we know that when we first looked at the Fire sign that was Aries and it was an Active sign. And we associate Aries with all of that initiative and even risk taking, putting everything In our self belief and starting, that's what Aries is all about. By the time we come to this part of the ecliptic, to this 30 degrees of the Sun's journey, we find Leo is a Fixed sign. So it's a sign, a field that naturally creates stability. And wants to integrate all of the experiences by providing that solidity. And this makes me see Leo as having that confidence, the Sun has the confidence here because of its Fixed foundation of Leo. It also matches very well with our idea that the Sun is consistent, the way that the Sun comes up every day of the year. A constant companion through our life. Andthis Fixed sign nature of Leo makes me think of the Sun's qualities of being protective and also of being sacrificing, willing to, the idea that the Sun is willing to sacrifice for the greater good also seems to fit with this idea of Leo being a Fixed sign.

So perhaps if we were to contrast it with the only other Fire sign that we've looked at in our journey through the year, we could notice that maybe a difference is around Aries being a little bit more that dynamic active sign and willing to take risks, even high level of risk. And perhaps Leo has more that only going to take risks if it's for the protection of everyone. A sense of sacrifice for the greater good. And maybe a different quality to the confidence of the Sun. In Aries, there's a boldness, a self belief. In Leo, perhaps just a really natural, supported sense of confidence and permission to lead and to initiate. Maybe not so much a sense of having to force or take risks with a Martian kind of space of Aries, but being completely in one's Own Home or even Moolatrikona with the actions one takes in Leo from the Sun's perspective.

[00:07:29] Context of looking at Solar Leo for Each Ascendant

[00:07:29] Fiona Marques: Now, another way that we have been understanding the fields of these different Rasis is to have a look at some of the nuances of what it might feel like for each Ascendant. And every time we do this, we give the same caveat that obviously all of our charts are unique. We've got our own planets placed in completely different positions from each other. Even if we share the same ascendant, which is the criteria that I'm gonna discuss in a moment. What is Leo like for each ascendant? So even if we have the same ascendant, everything else can be completely different. The dignities of the planets can be completely different. The signs that they're in. The conjunctions they're in. The different Avasthas they're experiencing. So while we're gonna talk about each ascendant, it really is not a template / cookie cutter thing that we can say everybody with this particular ascendant is going to experience the same thing. But what we're really trying to do is take the invitation of Astrology to be a little bit more connected with the cycles of the sky and the cycles of our natural world.

And to do that, as we live in kind of sometimes a busy and detached and almost virtual world, to do that, one of the ways is to reconnect with some natural rhythms. And we've been doing that on Patreon all year we have had a Varshaphal group, we just had our final meeting. And we have met the 13 times of the year to look at the role of the Sun in everybody's chart, specifically through the lens of the Solar return as a way of reconnecting a little bit to that Solar energy. And that's also what we're doing here in our looking at the Sun's transit through Leo. It's a way for us to perhaps reconnect with our Solar energy.

With that caveat, let's jump into a little bit of detail.

[00:09:40] Sun-Venus Conjunction in Leo

[00:09:40] Fiona Marques: A couple of things to remember are that when the Sun arrives into Leo, Venus will be there already. And Venus and the Sun are mutual enemies in Vedic Astrology. Because they have different modus operandi and different rationale about what life is about. And when they're together, they mutually encourage maybe the worst type of sacrifice in each other. So Venus can encourage the Sun to sacrifice its inspiration in order to create harmony with others, to be appealing to others, to be palatable. So that's not really in line with the Sun's mission of truly following its auspicious inspiration.

And on the flip side of that, the Sun can really encourage Venus to sacrifice its own innate sense of taste, its somatic sensory based compass of "what I truly want or what pleases me, what resonates with my energy body manifestation". So we sacrifice our taste for the inspirational great good that the Sun is inspiring us for.

So something to keep in mind for the first half of this transit through Leo is that it could be a little muddled with the two of these mutual enemies in our attempt to understand what Leo really feels like. We must acknowledge that we're going to have a little bit of a discomfort battle there between Sun and Venus.

[00:11:20] Jagrat Sun

[00:11:20] Fiona Marques: But on the other hand it is a good time to reconnect with Leo because the Sun will be Moolatrikona or Own Home during the whole Solar month of Leo. Meaning that it's awake. It's got the most chance of being conscious of its experience through Leo. So that might help us reconnect with Leo energy. So as we normally do, let's go through each Ascendant.

[00:11:47] Aries Ascendant

[00:11:47] Fiona Marques: If we think of Aries Ascendant, then the Sun is the 5th lord for an Aries Ascendant, and it will be in the 5th house. So we can cast our mind towards what we know about the 5th house. That it's a house of intelligence. And the Sun is a planet of intelligence. So this seems like a really natural match if we want to reconnect a little bit with Solar energy.

The 5th house also has an association of working with mantras and to some extent, spiritual texts. So perhaps there's a mantra, perhaps it's Gayatri mantra time. The 5th house also has associations with investments and taxes, and for that reason, government. It has associations with children and happiness. And also with games, recreation, sport, being outside, adventure, and with romance.

So these are some of the ways that the 5th House might be stimulated. So maybe listen in to your experiences during the month and see whether you agree with those. And if there's something that you want to initiate in that area, perhaps now's a great time to do it. Maybe start your mantra practice or maybe it's time to file your taxes. You know your own life. Maybe it's time we're on holiday. Maybe it's time to spend time with the children.

A couple of other things to keep in mind for Aries Ascendant is that Mars, the ascendant planet for Aries Ascendants, has been conjunct Uranus. I'm sure maybe you've been feeling that. It's in the 2nd house for Aries Ascendants. And then Mars is, through this Solar month, moving out of Taurus and into Gemini, where it will conjunct Jupiter. So there's sort of things going on for the ascendant Lord for Aries Ascendant.

And just a reminder of what the 5th House is about. That really, it's wanting to secure our auspicious sense of self and create our legacy. And this 5th House house, the sign of Leo is a Fixed sign and it is a dharmic sign. So some quite nice confluence there.

[00:14:07] Taurus Ascendant

[00:14:07] Fiona Marques: For Taurus ascendant, the Sun is the 4th Lord in the 4th house. And this brings to mind ideas around the home, around our homeland and our connection with the home and homeland. So maybe that's going to be accentuated during this month, or maybe we'll feel even more disconnected. It just means that the energy will be perhaps bringing that into our awareness. The 4th house is also associated with mother, with vehicles, with education and growing things. And when maybe it's out of balance, perhaps the 4th lord in the 4th house, we can become too attached to our luxuries or too sentimental. So if we want to understand Leo, as a Taurus ascendant, this, these are the kind of things to allow our attention to focus on during the month. So these ideas around home and mother and education, growing things.

As we said, Venus is going to be with the Sun at the start of this transit. So what is that going to feel like? So if you're a Taurus Ascendant, you might want to be open to that. Remember, once Venus moves out of Leo, it's going to go Debilitated into Virgo. And we also have that Mars Uranus conjunction was happening in Taurus.

So there's a lot of things really going on for Taurus Ascendant. And as our 4th house, we really want to, it's an Angular house, but it's also a Moksha house. So we want to take actions to establish a receptive home base where we are supported psychologically, emotionally. It becomes our inner sanctuary. Our heart base. That no matter what goes on in that outside world, we have the sanctuary to ground us.

That's what we're trying to establish with the 4th house.

[00:16:15] Gemini Ascendant

[00:16:15] Fiona Marques: For Gemini Ascendant, the Sun being in Leo represents the 3rd lord being in the 3rd house. So if we want to reconnect and understand Leo energy, we're going to use the Sun as a bit of a tool to do this. We might think about some of the associations of the 3rd house.

And one of them is like being in the right place at the right time, doing things at the right time. Another association around siblings and peers and friends and teammates. Also the 3rd house can relate to communication and advertising and marketing. It also can be athletic because of that exploring and adventurous nature of the 3rd house. Which also could be to do with short travel, short journeys over this northern hemisphere summer period.

The 3rd house is self motivated. The 3rd house is also a technical area, perhaps skills, scientific skills, being good with technology.The 3rd house and with the Sun there can be around good life energy and communicating, writing connecting with our peers and friends. The 3rd house is about finding our place in the world, finding our place in the pack, in our tribe. So we are exploring what our abilities and skills are. We're testing ourselves and bumping into others other friends, other teammates, other siblings. That's how we know where we are in the pack.

So these are the things that you might like to focus on as a way to reconnect with the space of Leo and the space of the Sun traveling through Leo. Keeping in mind the Fixed male sign of Leo. And any caution there is just around being overconfident or overcompensating.

[00:18:25] Cancer Ascendant

[00:18:25] Fiona Marques: For Cancer Ascendant, the Sun is the 2nd lord. And it's going to be in the 2nd house during this transit. So if we wanted to understand Leo better and we want to perhaps do that by following the Sun through this month. We can remember some of the associations of the 2nd house, that it's our immediate family, it's our face, our eyes, our mouth, and therefore it's our speaking. It's also about earning, and our finances in that way, the work that we do to earn money, and so earning money through our voice is that combination that the Sun might bring. It's also about food or what we intake into the mouth. And we might as the 2nd house is an Artha house of responsibility, we might be managing our finances or feeling secure, this is a Fixed sign, feeling secure in our finances.

And the 2nd house is all about wanting to understand our innate worth. So perhaps using some of those keywords might help reconnect us with Leo, the field of Leo as the Sun travels through this Solar month of Leo.

[00:19:43] Leo Ascendant

[00:19:43] Fiona Marques: And that brings us to Leo, the 1st lord in the 1st house. This is something that we looked at way back in Season 2. In episode 13. We went through each version of the 1st lord in the 1st house for every sign. And when we did that for Leo, we looked at Andy Warhol. Who was an artist who really was extremely well known and extremely creative and almost created his own style of art. And in some ways, even though he did that, he was even more famous than his work. So some real Leo shining qualities there. And he also fostered a community of up and coming artists and created a Foundation to which all of his wealth at the time of his death went towards this Foundation of developing new artists. So it also reminds us of that Leo mission of protecting others and achieving our self expression, our creative expression as a way to help bring everyone along. As a leader, as we move forward, so does everyone move forward. So you can go back and have a listen to that episode.

If we think about what the 1st house is all about, it's the beginning of the hero's journey. We want to take action to discover ourself on this auspicious path. We cannot know really what our mission is until we take action. And we have to jump in and explore or take the risk. And through going through the hero's journey, we'll know what it is that we're here for.

So the 1st lord in the 1st house, if you want to take this invitation to reconnect and understand the field of Leo by using the Sun's transit, we might think about how the 1st house is related to self development, to being autonomous, and to self expression.

It's related to having a congruent character. To being a leader when it's the 1st lord is the Sun in the 1st house. And the cautions with the 1st lord in the 1st house is, when we're leading for our true auspicious inspiration and that is informed and aligned with others and the people that we're leading.

[00:22:25] Virgo Ascendant

[00:22:25] Fiona Marques: For Virgo, taking this opportunity of Solar Leo would be looking at the 12th lord The 12th house is a receptive house of contemplation. It's where the entire hero's journey is integrated and released. So it's receptive to the interconnectedness of everything and to transcending everything.

So keeping that 12th house in mind, if we want to reconnect with what Leo is about, we can use the Sun's transit through Leo and think about these 12th house indicators around contemplation, reflection. Dreams, the dreams that we have when we're sleeping. And giving all that we have. The 12th House has a connection to charity and the Sun is sacrificing, so it might be a time to connect with being generous.

The 12th House, a place where we can enjoy being alone. So maybe it's It's a time of retreats. Maybe you're going to have a chance to retreat from the busyness of your daily routine. Which can include long, far away places or long, far away vacations. I guess even the internet is the 12th house, isn't it?

And with all 12th house things, we want to remember around the challenge to be grounded. And sometimes the 12th house, we feel uncomfortable in the body. It's easier to be out of the body. So take those two cautions keep those in mind as we reconnect with Leo through following the Sun's journey.

[00:24:15] Libra Ascendant

[00:24:15] Fiona Marques: For Libra Ascendant, we are looking at The 11th Lord is the Sun. If we want to use this time, this Solar transit as a way to understand Leo, it brings to our awareness the 11th house. And the 11th Lord in Vedic Astrology can be seen as difficult because it's a Kama house. A house of following our aspirations and our desires. Which is wonderful. But can lead us away from perhaps the mission that we're here for.

If we think about the imagery of Libra and the scales we have the gold in the scales is what the Sun represents. And it brings to mind what is really the purpose of trading. If we go back to Jaimini, the statement about Libra is "In Libra, trade". Very concise. And Venus ruled ascendants or Venus ruled signs are all about value. So what is the value of trading? And this is where the Sun becomes the 11th Lord. Is the value of trading is it about the gold? Or is it about the relationship, the transaction, and the transformative power of trading? And if it's about the gold, can it become something that a Libra Ascendant gets stuck in. If we think of Leo as a Fixed sign. The pursuit of wealth and gold, has a heaviness to it. And Libra is an Air sign of movement. So this is maybe some of the reasons why the Sun could be difficult for a Libra ascendant.

So keep that in mind, go back and have a look at Season 1, Episode 11 has a discussion of the 11th Lord for all the different ascendants. It just happens to be when we're doing this whole year of understanding the fields, the Rasis, it happens to be that every time we talk about Libra, we talk about the 11th Lord, but there's a whole podcast on the 11th Lord for each Ascendant.

So we want to keep in mind, we're Looking at the 11th Lord has a certain amount of risk to it for the Dharmic purpose of Libra, might be derailed by the 11th Lord.

The other things to keep in mind is that Venus is going to be with the Sun at the side of this transit. So this whole mutual sacrifice can be not helpful. And then it's going to go into Debilitation just like with Taurus. It's a very interesting time for these Venus ascendants.

But if we want to take this opportunity to understand Leo a little bit better and follow the Sun through Leo as the 11th Lord, we can remember some of the connections of the 11th house. For example, life getting better over time, it's a house that grows and gets better. The 11th house is often associated with being socially well connected and networked, perhaps always up to date on the latest opportunities and getting opportunities throughout your life. Perhaps being political or diplomatic maybe manipulative, perhaps depends what else is going on the chart. But hopefully well respected having the Sun connected with the 11th house.

The 11th house is also associated with titles and certifications. So if you're waiting for some recognition, perhaps this is a way to connect with the Sun moving through Leo. And, it is also our Elders and our older siblings. Or even maybe Mentors we look up to or people who guide us. And really, it's about fulfilling our dreams and aspirations. We were talking about the 12th houses, the dreams that you had when you were sleeping, the 11th house are the dreams that you have when you're awake. So this might be a way to reconnect with the field of Leo. The Sun is going to be Jagrat. It's in a Fixed sign. And the 11th house wants us to belong and to contribute.

[00:28:47] Scorpio Ascendant

[00:28:47] Fiona Marques: For Scorpio Ascendant, if we want to reconnect with Leo, the Sun is going to be the 10th lord transiting through Leo this month. So it's the 10th lord in the 10th house. Remember that Mars, the Ascendant Lord for Scorpio has just conjunct Uranus, which you may have felt. That would be in the, would have been in the 7th house. It's moving, Mars is continuing to move through that 7th house and will move into the 8th house and conjunct with Jupiter during this Solar month. So keep that in mind.

And if we think about what the 10th house is really about, It's surrendered to taking the actions that are required for success, isn't it? On the hero's journey, the big vision has been outlined for us and the 10th is where the rubber hits the road. So some of the 10th house associations are obviously to do with work and the activity in the world that inspires others. Perhaps it's connected with working with government organizations. And because it's so powerful, this 10th in the 10th, it's an angle, it's activated, one of the things that we might get in touch with to reconnect with Leo and the Sun is just asking ourselves about whether we're feeling stuck in our career. Or we're feeling so successful that we can't leave. Or whether the Fixed nature of Leo is making us choose security over inspiration. So, during this Solar month as a way to reconnect with Leo energy and the Sun, which is going to be Jagrat in this 10th house, hopefully that brings a real sense of success in our work, but we can also question our work life balance.

And that might be some of the things that will help us reconnect with the Sun transiting through Leo.

[00:30:47] Sagittarius Ascendant

[00:30:47] Fiona Marques: For Sagittarius Ascendant, if we want to reconnect with the field of Leo, we could follow the Sun traveling through Leo this month and it would be the 9th lord. And the 9th lord is associated with purpose. It's guiding us. The 9th lord wants to guide us in an auspicious and purposeful mission. It's something that we are committed to and devoted to.

9th house associations that we could think about in relation to the Sun, that might help us understand the Sun going through Leo, is around ethics and morals and good character. Feeling inspired, feeling purposeful. Feeling innate sense of direction and meaning. And able to make decisions based on those. Perhaps an ability to see the bigger picture. And the 9th Lord also relates to our own culture. So we might feel that we are a strong representation of our own culture. Or depending on the indications of the chart, some discomfort or disconnection with our own culture. The 9th House is also related to higher education and knowledge, scriptures faith, philosophy. It's related also to marriage and what we're committed to. And it can also be related to traveling the world. So these are the things that if we want to understand Leo a little bit better, connect with the Sun during this month, perhaps we're going to think about these areas of purpose and meaning.

One thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter is in the 7th house. That's the Ascendant Lord is in Gemini. And it's going to have that Mars transit during this Solar month. So the 5th and 12th Lord, Mars, is going to conjunct with this, with the Ascendant Lord in the 7th house.

[00:32:42] Capricorn Ascendant

[00:32:42] Fiona Marques: For Capricorn Ascendant, if we want to take the invitation to understand Leo better, we can think about the Sun's transit as being the 8th lord for a Capricorn Ascendant. And the 8th house is where we are surrendered to going through the darkest, to going through the ordeal, surrendered to transforming the deepest traumas and purifying our souls our soul or experience of being conscious. It's a Moksha house. And all of the Moksha houses are transformative enlightenment houses.

And we could take the invitation of the Sun being in Leo to reconnect with that field by perhaps thinking about vitality, the 8th lord of vitality. It's also a place where crisises happen. The 8th house of sudden breaks and changes. So maybe having the Sun there will allow us to be intelligent. Maybe even see those crises before they occur perhaps. It could activate. Our intelligence around psychology, analysis, investigation, Astrology, tarot, all of those kind of deep subjects, even an interest in understandingafter death states. Can give us a certain magnetism to our personality, that mysterious 8th house having the Sun Jagrat there. And the 8th house can be related to other people's money as well. And it can also be related to withdrawing our senses in that Moksha way of bringing all of our awareness inside the body, inside the sensory system, and using that attention for our spiritual enlightenment.

Saturn, the ascendant lord for Capricorn, is in the 3rd house during this transit, the 3rd house of skills and courage and adventure.

[00:34:53] Aquarius Ascendant

[00:34:53] Fiona Marques: For Aquarius ascendant, if we want to take the invitation to understand Leo via the transit of the Sun, we might like to remember that the Sun is the 7th lord for Aquarius ascendant. And the 7th house is all about partnership in Vedic Astrology. It's about connecting with other people, transacting with other people, relating to other people. And the Sun being the 7th lord in the 7th house, perhapspeople are going to feel more comfortable with us. It's going to make us more charming and attractive and persuasive. And if we think about the difference between Capricorn and Aquarius, those two Saturn ascendants, it's interesting to contemplate the Sun as the 7th lord and how that gives Aquarius a real inspired interest in others. And while Saturn and the Sun are enemies, they're both self sacrificing in different ways for completely different reasons. But something that's quite charming about Aquarius Ascendant is the way the Sun as the 7th lord has that leadership quality of guiding Aquarius Ascendant to have inspired and protective relationships with others. So that might be a way to connect with Leo energy during this Solar transit.

It would be interesting to watch whether we feel like we want to do things with others. Whether we put too much attention on that during this Solar month. Whether we have difficulty doing things alone during this Solar month. Let me know what that experience is like.

Saturn will be in the 2nd house during this transit. And the 7th house is all about transacting with others to achieve outcomes.

[00:37:12] Pisces Ascendant

[00:37:12] Fiona Marques: And for Pisces Ascendant, if we want to take this Solar month of Leo to use the Sun's transit as a way to either reconnect with Solar energy or reconnect with what Leo feels like, the field of Leo, we can think about the Sun as the 6th lord, and in this case it would be in the 6th house.

And the 6th house has associations around health, digestion, our immune system. About overcoming obstacles. And debts. Our skills in defending ourselves, in healing ourselves, even in some ways in legal matters. 6th House can also represent pets and animals. And it can represent enemies and our capacity to battle with our enemies and how we confront others. Using the Sun as the 6th Lord, ideally, very auspicious and inspired approach to conflict where we want to protect others, and we want everybody to come along. It's when the Sun's not performing well in Ayana bala, it can be every man for himself a little bit. The Sun's strong in Ayana bala, which is our strength of confrontation is that we can create that vision that larger purpose really make that very real, which allows us to go through conflict and to bring others with us.

During this transit, Jupiter is in Gemini, that's the Ascendant Lord. It's in the 4th house and it's going to be transited by Mars, the 2nd and the 9th Lord. And the 6th house is all about responsibly doing those daily actions that lead to value or that lead to the outcomes or the experience of life. There are lots of things that we need to do in terms of the way we nourish the body, the way that we take care of the body and exercise the body. We need to do those every day in order to have the chance to live a long and conscious life. And that is what the 6th house is all about.

And here is the Sun. In the Fixed sign of Leo for this Solar month. So perhaps we can reconnect, have our awareness on our health and our daily activities during this month as a way to reconnect with the Sun or reconnect with Leo or both.

[00:39:54] Farewell and Conclusion

[00:39:54] Fiona Marques: So that brings us through our monthly contemplation of a particular Rasi in Vedic Astrology. We are using the Sun to go through each of the Rasis. As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on your month. So reach out and remember that there are opportunities on Patreon to connect and I'll look forward to seeing you there. Happy Solar Leo everyone.

See you next time on the Vedic Astrology Podcast. Bye for now. Bye.


S3 Episode 19 Navigating Spiritual Awakening and Unconscious Pain with Vedic Astrology


S3 Episode 17 Solar Cancer and what it means for each Ascendant