Episode 21 - Prosperity and Annihilation: Life-coaching levers as outlined by Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Chapter 11 Verses 14-16 of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra outlines the formula for calculating the Prosperity or Annihilation of a House in a Birth Chart. While it can be distressing to be assessed as having an 'annihilated' house - yikes! - is the BPHS formula actually revealing the secret life-coaching levers that we can use to pivot our behaviour and create success? Join me as I revisit the factors involved in the formula and discuss possible insights arising from each question of Annihilation. In the discussion, I also touch on Professor Snape from "Harry Potter", "There's a Hole in My Sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery" by Portia Nelson and "Milton's Secret" - a film based on the work of Ekhart Tolle. I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your feedback. If you would like to learn to read Vedic Astrology, please visit The Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program on teachable.com at https://vedic-astrology.teachable.com/courses/vedic-astrology-apprenticeship-program?affcode=472402_kmvc7dum
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