Astrology and Renewal
In last week’s newsletter, I covered the theme of endings and completions in line with the Equinox on 20-21 March 2021. This week, as Easter approaches, there is a natural focus on renewal and Spring! It is interesting to note how, even today, astronomical features dictate the commencement of Spring/Autumn (Equinox) and the dates Easter is celebrated (Sunday after the first Full Moon after the Equinox). Astrology is widely dismissed because we think of it as being unscientific, and yet, the same astronomical features that define our celebrations, seasons and year (and freeing mega-container ships obstructing a canal!) are exactly what Astrology is actively studying. I wonder if our disconnection from the cycles of nature is based more on hubris than observation?
Astrology can reconnect us with the cycles of nature as it is based on the observation of natural phenomena (as outlined above). One place to do this is the birth chart which records where you were on planet Earth in relation to astronomical features when you were born. But Astrology has several other methodologies that provide information about renewal and rebirth.
Solar Return Chart
Perhaps you’ve had people wish you ‘Happy Solar Return’ on your birthday? … because all a birthday is, is the day in the current year when the Sun in the sky is in the same place as it was when you were born, right? (This is where we see how many astronomical features are woven into our daily experience that we turn a blind eye to!!). An Astrologer can generate a chart for the moment when the Sun this year is EXACTLY where it was when you were born. This chart gives insight into the coming year and can be a thoughtful birthday gift.
Saturn Return
Another popular methodology in Astrology is to be cognisant of when Saturn returns to the place in the sky it was when you were born. This happens roughly every 30 years. Saturn is the planet that represents time, truth and reality. So, our Saturn returns are often times of deep self-reflection as Saturn obliges us to take a ‘reality-check of how our life is progressing. (It’s no accident that these are often times of ‘mid-life crisis’ LOL!). With Astrology, one can prepare in advance – (forewarned is forearmed, right!) - and be aware of the unique themes and events that will be happening DURING the same period for you.
Rahu and Ketu
The nodes are the only astronomical feature in Astrology that transit ‘backwards’. They point to our ‘multi-lifetime’ Hero Journey. I explore them thoroughly in ‘Rahu, Ketu and the Hero’s Journey’. Having a Nodal Reading can be a great way to refocus yourself on the biggest calling in your chart.
Next Steps
If this article has inspired you to find out more about your natural cycles, why not book a reading with me today? If you have never had a reading before book a full Reading. If you’ve already read with me, just book a Follow Up reading. I’m looking forward to assisting you to align with your natural timing already!