One to one
Are you looking for personalised attention to …
achieve success in an area of your life or
experience inner peace in relation to an event or trauma?
Book a time now to work with me one to one. I will bring all my experience* from a vast array of disciplines to work with you to change your life. Just like my readings, working with me is fun, encouraging, well-researched and action orientated
Got questions? Send me a message.
life long meditator, trauma survivor and visual artist
30+ years as a spouse
25+ years MBTI Type Provider
25 years NLP Business Coach
17 years Massage Therapist
18+ years as an immigrant
16 years as a mother
15+ years Ayurvedic Life Coach and Meditation teacher
12 years carer to person in chronic pain
9 year veteran of losing a parent
7 years Vedic Astrologer
8 years Vinyasa Yoga Teacher
7 years Celebrant in the Humanist tradition with Arena do Tempo