A topical, thought-provoking bi-monthly podcast guaranteed to inspire and deepen your knowledge of Vedic Astrology.
The purpose of The Vedic Astrology Podcast is to provide intermediate and advanced level discussions about Vedic Astrology topics, including:
What is Vedic Astrology?
How does Vedic Astrology work?
Exploring the knowledge and techniques of Vedic Astrology
Interviews with Astrologers
Vedic Astrology Case Studies
Episode 10 - Reconsidering Retrograde - Chesta bala and Effective Readings
Is a planet in retrograde motion a good thing or a bad thing?? In a major difference from Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology counts retrograde as 'Motional Strength' (or Cheshta bala) in one of the six strengths which determine the potency of a planet (called Shadbala).
In today's episode we explore what Cheshta bala is, how it shows up in a chart and how to use it wisely with clients. From NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) we know that rapport allows communication to be even more effective because it happens a subtler and automatic level. Is Cheshta bala a secret code that will allow us to build deep rapport with our clients and execute even more effective Readings? Listen now to find out!

Episode 4 - How does the Sun's Ayana and Chesta Bala affect the Earth?
Join me for our first episode 'applying' Vedic Astrology to a real life case study. I am going to walk you through the world of Shadbala (or Six Strengths) and examine how two of these strengths may be playing out on the stage of global geo-politics and exploitation. Guided by the article "Rich countries drained $152tn from the global South since 1960" I will analyse the role of the Sun in Ayana and Chesta Bala as well as covering Chakras, Solstices, Geographic Perspectives, Pancakes and more! Don't worry if you haven't come across Shadbala before because in this episode I explain each of the Balas and specifically look at how Ayana Bala applies for each planet - so it's a great way to learn through practical application in the case study!
If you want learn about Shadbala in depth, vedic-astrology.teachable.com hosts the complete Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program which features a entire semester on Shadbala.