March 2022
Let the Assessments begin!
Welcome everyone to the March Newsletter. I’m so happy to see so many of you progressing with the program. Students are beginning to hand in their first pieces of assessment and it has been a delight to meet with several of you for feedback sessions. I have a busy week of feedback sessions coming up and am looking forward to catching up with you all.
Submitting your Essays
Now that many of you have finished your first piece of assessment (your Rasis and Signs Quiz), I thought it was a good time to look at how to submit your essays for assessment using our Google Classroom interface.
So, I made a very ‘rough-and-ready’ walk-through of the process.
I hope you find it helpful and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
How I apply what I learned on the Program
Some of you may know that I host “The Vedic Astrology Podcast”. This month, I thought I would share with you some of the ways I use my notes from The Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship in the podcast.
The current episode is an interview with Ernst Wilhelm and Ryan Kurczak. At 45:40, Ernst shares some insights into the placement of Rahu and Ketu on angles (and other combinations). This snippet builds on the content of “The Lunar Nodes” semester of The Asheville Vedic Astrology Program on
Study Hall
There are two “Study Halls” coming up in March. If you have questions about the material you are studying and want the chance to interact to resolve your doubts, please book yourself a spot at
Mentors and Tutors
Perhaps, instead of the group interaction of “Study Hall”, you are looking for support that is more tailored? The Asheville Vedic Astrology Apprenticeship Program is self-paced BUT there are Mentors and Tutors available to help you if you ever feel the need.
Mentors are current Year 4 students.
Tutors are graduates of the Program.
Contact details for your Mentors and Tutors are in Class 7 of the Rasi and Signs Course.
Find your mentors and tutors listing in Class 7 of Rasi and Signs
Final Thoughts
Keep up the good work everyone and until our next newsletter, stay well and take good notes :D