Scorpio Gift Certificates - €45 off this weekend


Happy Sun in Scorpio Day!! If you have a special Scorpio in your life, now is the perfect time to buy them a Vedic Astrology Reading with me because my Gift Certificates are €45 off this weekend only (23-25 October 2020). Just add the code: scorpio2020 to claim your discount.

A Vedic Astrology Reading is a great gift that can empower a person’s perspective allowing them to make the most of the coming year. Your friend will have the opportunity to focus on specific areas they are interested in, or we can explore the whole chart. Either way, I’ll thoroughly research the positions of the planets in your unique Scorpio’s chart - are their planets awake or asleep, supporting or competing with each other and much, much more. Plus, have you ever noticed how some Scorpios are more Scorpio than others? In this gift reading we’ll examine exactly how much your Sun in Scorpio is contributing to your personality and look at other planets that might be equally or even more important.

To see examples of my work, visit my youtube channel! I’m looking forward to working with your special Scorpio soon :)


Harry - 3rd House


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